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Petition for Direct Flights to Poland from Phoenix
The Polish American Congress Of Arizona would like to encourage you to help school children in our community. As we know, our children are our future. In ten to twenty years, they will form our American Polonia. They will represent us in American society and around the world. That is why we decided as the KPA, an organization that has existed since 1944 and has always taken an active part in the life of American Polonia . In Arizona (as one of the few states in the U.S.), there is a program that allows the payer to decide if he or she would like to pass on outstanding state taxes. One of the ways they can paid for is to help children learn in state and private schools, when paying for sports, music and other programs in public schools and for tuition in private schools. Any of us who pays state taxes can help! Parents try their hardest to provide their children with the best possible education, and they need our help, which does not cost us and can increase the chances of better education and the future of our children.
The following list consists of children who have the opportunity to take advantage of school tuition or other additional school programs. Unfortunately, the KPA does not have qualified persons or the ability to answer any questions related to the programmes. We suggest you do it in the next way:
1. You can select a child or more children and deposit a donation via the link provided by the parents with each child. If you have any questions, you can contact your parents directly by phone or email, who will be happy to provide explanations and assistance.
2. If you have questions of a tax nature, we advise you to contact an accountant or income tax accountant.
The Polish American Congress in Arizona is making efforts to apply for a direct flight from Phoenix to Warsaw. This is a very difficult and long process, which is why we are asking you. If you support this idea, please sign the petition, every vote counts. Unfortunately, the petition "cannot" be created/signed online, we are creating a list of places where you can sign petitions in person, but we also ask you, if you want to support the idea and collect signatures among your relatives, friends, co-workers, please contact us, we will send the form where you can collect signatures.
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